Sacred Birth Rite

The emergence of an Eternal being on the Earth density is a time of holiest of holies.

The sanctity of the mother and child dynamic in the birth is a place where spiritual gateways open during the magnanimous soul event. Having the father and family involved makes it an even more powerful rite.

Major religions have the ritual of the ‘Last Rites’, however, they do not employ the most powerful Birth Rite. Birth is the beautiful convergence of all the ancestral lineage and the emergence of a soul into its precious new body on Earth to experience the Divine in All That Is.

Baptisms are for the acknowledgment of the child into the community and are very different from the Sacredness of the Birth Rite. Cleansing, protecting the room and people involved in the birth is essential- something referred to as holding space for the passage of the soul and spirit into the physical plane of Earth. Be mindful of the spiritual aspect of being born- the intent of thought, the place, the people, the sounds, smell, etc.

Keeping the Birth Rite in Divine Alignment brings in the intent and energy for a birth to progress in the wide range of normal that is possible. Keeping the energies balanced before, during and after the birth for the health of the baby and the mother is all part of the Birth Rite.

The Birth Rite

Clearing and energizing the home with Love Light energies for the baby and family is highly recommended.

During labor, light candles in the room of all colors- esp white. If possible ask an energy practitioner you trust (Reiki, Angelic, Divine, pastor…) to bless and seal the room energetically. and clear mother and persons involved in the birth of negative entities and energies. If possible clear chakras and energize everyone and the room with Love Light frequencies.

Ask Arch Angel Micheal to clear the room and persons of all negativity. Ask for Eternal Divine Presence for protection of the Love Light to guide, guard and protect the birth process and the mother and baby. Ask ArchAngel Uriel and his legion of light to hold space. Invite the Christ healing love consciousness , Arch Angel Raphael to surround and fill the room and souls. Asking the body to mitigate the pain and for the miracle of birth to proceed without infringements.

Be very clear and specific of who you want to be involved at the birth of the child. People come with all sorts of thoughts and energies on them that may not be for the highest good at the birth and afterwards. The mother needs to claim her power and assert her decisions and be supported- especially when it comes to who is helping her.

In helping and witnessing, pray with joyful love! Pray for the highest good for the baby and mother and family. Pray that the baby and mother are guided, guarded and protected for all time in the Divine consciousness of Love. The mother at the time of birth is also in a vulnerable state- she is literally a vessel for another soul and her chakras are wide open. Pain, without releasing the fear, is an energy that can draw in entities/energies and egos- and hospitals are full of them! Helping the mother stay in pure love light frequencies in her thoughts and body through the birth is the key to a spiritual birth. The breath is an important element in transmuting the pain. The work a mother can do prior to and during the the birth is to imagine the energy of the labor muscles contracting flowing and releasing them with her breath. Know that labor is uncomfortable- but it is our judgement that perceives pain, and labor does end! Labor is work- rapid and expansive work to prepare you on all levels for your new role. Welcome it as friend, not a foe. Energy practitioners can help modulate the waves of labor contractions.

After the baby is born, placed upon the mother’s chest a prayer of protection is in order. Be specific- Pray that the baby is healthy, eats well, sleeps well and grows into their Divine selves in the light and love of the Christ Consciousness. This is also a good time for the Energy healer to re-energize and clear the room and ask for childhood protections. The mother also needs energy work -heal any infringements, align, clear energize chakras, rejuvenate the body, clear blocks for the new role, helping the breasts to open and bring in milk. An energy practitioner is helpful in bringing expedited healing for any tears, surgeries, excessive bleeding etc.

Each birth is unique, the above is a general guide as to how a Birth Rite evolves. The intent of honoring and recognizing Eternal Presence in Birth is our Rite.

Each level of dilation comes with clearing a new space for the baby, mother and family relationships. Emotions can block the progress and this is where an energy practitioner can connect and work through the emotional release to keep the birth progressing. Energy practitioners can assist in transmuting energies such as fear to create a space of peace and calm and trust in the birthing process.

In the emergence of the baby through the canal, much is happening as the Eternal presence of the chakra system is ready to completely merge with the body. The ancestral lineage is present in observance and bringing energetic offerings of Love. This is a time when the practitioner is able to assist in activating the pushing energies- to strengthen and ease the body. It is also a time to bring the mother into the present and actively being involved on all levels into bringing this child into the world with empowerment.