Cosmic Healing

New Year 2020 -A new year of possibilities!

New Year 2020 -A new year of possibilities!

May all the Hope and Love be available in this coming year, not only for ourselves and family, but for our sisters, brothers, our home -the Earth and all the consciousness that shares this reality. 2019 was full of possibilities I had not expected or intended. Divine...
Purpose of the Mid-Life Crisis

Purpose of the Mid-Life Crisis

Introduction: I was married at the age of 20. And have been married for 28 years now. I had the opportunity to observe many marriages over the years, not only marriages with relatives, but friends and neighbors, tv characters, movies etc. I noticed there was this...
Claiming Your Power in the Power Play Game

Claiming Your Power in the Power Play Game

The word ‘Power’ is misunderstood in our current culture. Of all of our sources of energy, it is the one that has been jaded, misconstrued and misused. We are taught to abandon our power in a false effort to maintain peace. Power is not a negative, it is...
The Intentful Life

The Intentful Life

The pursuit of understanding and learning and using the energies around us and those energies we create in our daily lives is my passion.In my blog, my intent is to bring enlightenment to living and thinking the ‘Intentful’ life that is available to us all...