Cosmic Healing

Cosmic Healing



We are all capable of learning to access and utilize universal energy for healing. The energy of life is abundant in nature and in the core of our soul. The reason we love being in nature- hiking, camping, picnicking, walking, swimming, boating, etc is the energy of the earth is pulled through by the plants, minerals (rocks/dirt) and even the air we encounter. The earth energy oozes around us like a blanket of healing. Being attuned to the energy through Reiki attunments is a process of awareness and asking to be a direct channel for this energy. Reiki attunes you like an instrument to receive and give the energy to others in a directly concentrated funneled form. There are two forms of energy humans are aligned to – Earth energy and Divine energy. In receiving the attunments you are asking to be aligned to both. You are asking to align your Divine connection to the Earth energy – thus being a channel of balancing the human energy fields.
We all have our gifts, talents and jobs. Where we focus our energies is the work we create for ourselves. Just as a journalist focuses on news, teachers on sharing knowledge, a statesman on organizing governments, a Reiki healer focuses on healing the divine and earth energies for healing the body, mind, spirit of our earthly divine connection.
* Reiki class with Cynthia Ritchie can be counted as CE credits for the State of Texas. Please indicate at registration if you need the CE credit paperwork.


Reiki I & II Classes

1 DAY $350

10 am – noon We begin with understanding energy, how energy works and how to practice the ‘minding’ of energy in everyday situations. Then you will receive the first attunement and practice the energy on oneself for the first level.

1 pm – 5 pm  After lunch, we will embark on the second attunement and learn the basics of applying the Reiki healing in practice.
We begin on horses. I find horses are amazing teachers for channeling the Reiki energy. We then take a break and come back to the studio and practice on a person and also practice remote sessions.



Reiki III Classes

1 DAY $350

10 am – noon The class will begin with questions, answers experiences, expectations. We will attune the third level and practice the higher levels. We will work again on the horses and practice group healing and working on a person at the higher vibration.
1 – 4 pm   The second half of the the class is learning to pass attunements to become a Reiki master and additional understanding tools for your practice- especially your intuition.


How to prepare for Reiki attunements:

Everyone embarks on their journey from different levels of their spiritual selves. I highly recommend receiving at least 2-3 Reiki/energy sessions from a healer prior to taking the class. Feeling and being sensitized to the energy is raising your frequency. Each session raises your vibration to help you align with the healing frequencies the attunements will bring. The journey of becoming a Reiki healer will take you through several levels of spirituality through your body and soul vessels. The journey can be very physical as well enlightening and challenging. Asking to be a healer you will be challenged to learn how to use the energy at a faster pace- think graduate school!
As a teacher of the healing Reiki energy, I recognize this is the beginning of your journey and I am committed to be your guide after your attunements. There are materials you will be given to study and practice will be your most important teacher.


Please bring your own lunch. Beverages and light snacks will be provided. Please a bring a pendulum if you have one (it is not necessary). Please refrain from caffeinated drinks and alcoholic beverages the day before and day of your attunements. Some people find fasting makes for a clearer attunement process.