New client Intuitive Quantum Energy session
1.5 hour $150
Intuitive Quantum Session: Connect with your higher self and the frequencies of Divine Creation to bring healing for the body, mind, and spirit connection. Using a combination of Reiki, QuiGong, sound frequencies and intuitive touch combined for your very specific needs.
Established Client Session
1 hour $100
Each day, week and year we are new person. As you grow, shift and change, it is recommended to continue work to maintain your higher vibration as you move through your spiritual growth. Bringing your subtle body energies in alignment with your physical body to bring forth your true nature of your Being.
Healing In Oneness – Combined session with Fran Bell and Cynthia Ritchie
Energy practitioners, Fran Bell,, and Cynthia Ritchie,, are offering personal sessions of ‘Healing in Oneness’. We have found the power of working in unison creates a triad of healing space in the Oneness when two or more are in prayer with a client. A whole new beautiful level for your heart’s desire of healing the body, mind and spirit opens. If you would like to schedule please call or text Cynthia at 512-825-5218. Wednesdays and Saturdays.
Please call or text to schedule
Healing with horses
Horses are one of 2 animals (dogs included), that have agreed to aid us in our soul evolution. They hold for us truth with our emotions- they embody all the senses and can feel and sense the energies within a human heart and body. They may have helped us build this world with horsepower, however, their true purpose is to aid us in healing our hearts with our environment- within and outward. Horses allow us to be true with our feelings and emotions without judgement. When you won’t give the pain, sadness, shame, or any other negative frequency to another person(s), the horses willingly offer to take it and transfer back to the Earth for transformation- ultimately transforming you. No words are needed, just Be with where you are At, and dream of what you Are. Join with their Heart Herd to find You. With our two horses- Atlantico, our resident gelding Andalusian- an ancient bred from the Andalusia region of Spain and Lucy, our resident mare Rocky Mountain Gaited horse will hold you in the magical space with where they Live for your own personal healing. As they work, Cynthia works with you and the horses and the Earth hold the space. The Entire Horse Kingdom is another way of opening to all that is available.
Healing with Horses Review: I had such a cool experience last week. My cousin Summer took me to a healer. She explained how horses are with us in the spirit world. They can help heal us on the cellular level and have an energy that expands 50’ beyond them. The healer did energy work on me and then the horses worked their magic. It was a beautiful and magical experience. Robin.
House, Land or Building Clearing And Energizing
Need clearing for a property? Trying to sell a house or building? Have rental properties with negative energy? Need to clear your place of business? Clear a newly purchased home? This service will aid in clearing negative energy and leave your space with the healing vibrant energy of your intention.
Extra travel charge for properties outside the Austin/Buda area.
Clearings can be done remotely if not in the area.
Please call or text to schedule
Crystal gridding for home or business
Unique and personal crystal grids for your home- new build foundation grids, business or land to provide for continual clearing and energizing specific to your needs and the needs of the property. Grids are able to clear negativity, bring in healing energies and set intentions in respect to those occupying the property and the property itself*
*this statement has no scientific backing and is based on personal experiences.