Head chatter: In my energy work, nearly every single first time client gets a thorough ‘head chatter cleaning’. We somehow learn to berate, judge and belittle ourselves. We imagine situations and their worst outcomes. We imagine what people think about us (and it is not good!). Women are the worst at judging themselves- the whole fat issue. I have had two clients ask if I can ‘Reiki’ off the fat on their bodies- uh NO!

With Reiki energy I am able to affect the emotional connections to food, the negative head chatter that creates a loop in your habits of exercise and eating; and endocrine system rejuvenating. The rest is accepting and then re-creating yourself with love unconditional.

How do you love yourself unconditionally?:

Recognize negative chatter in your head. Be presently aware of your thoughts- this takes practice.

  1.  Stop the chatter- sing, pray for someone, think of something to be thankful, count to 15. Every time you stumble back into the negative chatter in your head re-direct thoughts to positive thoughts. Develop a system for you to stop and redirect your thoughts back to love frequencies.
  2. Write a list of things you love about yourself. If that is short list – then things you love about the world and a list of things you want to forgive of yourself. The saying, “We see things as we are” is powerful. Think yourself in the love thought frequencies and you will change how you approach your life for the better. Hint: You can always add to the list.
  3. Look yourself in the mirror every day- right into those pupils and say, “I love you.” Some people have a hard time doing this. If that is you- then start with, “ I see you.” and work up to “I love you”. Louise Hay has a really good book, ‘Mirror Work’ I highly recommend.
  4. Do loving things for yourself! Hint: Sometimes loving yourself is Not doing something (like not eating the whole bag of potato chips). Ask yourself- is this thought or action loving to myself? You wouldn’t tell a friend they were ugly- so why would you tell yourself??

People would stop negative head chatter immediately if they could understand the concept that their thoughts (conscious and unconscious) are connected to the Divine- so each time you are hating yourself you are sending that negative energy into the connected Divine we all contribute too- i.e. bad karma. Want to change the world- change your thought energy first!